10 things you can do during quarantine to pass the time and better yourself
It’s hard to believe that the month isn’t yet over and the craziness that is the Coronavirus has only been on our radars for a few weeks. Many of our government officials around the world are issuing states of emergency and are asking everyone to self-isolate wherever possible. If you’re working from home or just trying to spend as much time inside as possible, there are things you can do to make the most of your time and ensure you make it to the other side healthy and a better version of yourself.
To help keep you motivated during these frustrating and stressful times, here are 10 things you can do during quarantine or self-isolation to pass the time and better yourself:

- Watch more than prank videos on Youtube.
Of the 5 billion Youtube videos watched every day, we have a feeling this number will increase exponentially while people are keeping indoors. If you’ve got the opportunity to learn a new talent, such as piano or Magic: The Gathering. Of course, you don’t have to give up on the prank videos altogether.
- Learn a new skill through Lynda.com.
Linkedin offers an upskill platform called Lynda.com that offers a 30-day free trial. There are over 14,000 courses to choose from, including Excel, accounting, design, photography, and coding-based classes. My using your Covid-19 quarantine time to upskill yourself so you’ll head back to the office or back into a normal life with a brand new skill.
- Finish that 2000 piece jigsaw puzzle you bought years ago.
We all have one of those puzzles sitting around that we’ve started a few times and never had the time to complete. Now’s the chance to bring it back out and spend a couple of hours a day dedicated to getting it done. After your quarantine is done, you may be surprised to see you’ve mastered the art of puzzle making (you can also find some puzzle-making videos on Youtube).
- Perfect Your Writing Skills.
The best way to enhance a skill is practice, but you can get there quicker by taking the time to watch tutorials and join an online writing group on social media. Check out Margaret Atwood’s tutorial or do some journalling; who knows, 100 years from now, schoolchildren could be reading your memoir of surviving the great Coronavirus pandemic.
- Start an herb garden.
Whether you’ve got a back yard, a balcony, or just a window sill, this is an excellent time to get your green thumb into action by doing some gardening or start an herb garden. If you don’t have the supplies at home, there are plenty of online stores that will deliver to your door.
- Check out an online museum.
There are plenty of virtual tours online that you can peruse when you have a little extra time on your hands. Some of what you can find include the Australian National Portrait Gallery or check out the exhibits at the Paris Louvre without needing to leave your couch.
- Try some meditation.
It’s definitely a stressful and anxious time. Taking some time to meditate or do yoga can really calm the nerves and provide you with a different perspective on the situation. There are actually plenty of mindfulness and meditation apps you can download that can help keep your mind healthy such as Headspace, which offers a two-week free trial.
- Learn a new language.
It’s probably something you’ve been meaning to do but haven’t had the time. Apps and software like Duolingo deliver an interesting and fun method of learning a new language that will help pass the time while you’re in quarantine or self-isolation. It’s easier than you think. In fact, 34 hours of Duolingo is equal to a semester of a college-level language course.
- Watch some TedTalks.
There are thousands of TedTalks online than you can binge-watch while in self-isolation. Many of these videos can help you overcome struggles, learn a new skill, and feel empowered to become a leader. Regardless of your industry or interests, watching insightful videos or finding a relevant podcast channel can help you grow your own thoughts and awareness about the world.
And finally, don’t forget to stay active as well.
It can definitely be tempting to sleep in each day and wear the same sweatpants for a week while you eat all your quarantine snacks, but it’s important to find ways to keep your fitness level up and stay active. There’s an increased chance of depression when you allow yourself to be defeated by your situation, so check out our blog for workouts, go for a run each day, and try to keep some form of a schedule to keep yourself motivated to keep bettering yourself. Lastly, don’t forget to restock your vitamins and other supplements. This is what keeps that immune system up and chance of getting coronavirus down.