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10 Minute At Home Coronavirus Workout

Your 10 Minute At Home Workout to Stay in Shape During Coronavirus Quarantine

10 Minute At Home Coronavirus Workout Being Coronavirus quarantined at home doesn’t need to mean your fitness routine needs to take a hit. Even if you don’t have an at-home gym, there are plenty of exercises and workout methods you can introduce to your daily lifestyle – even if you’re stuck indoors.  Here’s your new 10 minute at home work out routine to stay in shape during self-isolation: Always start with your stretches to prevent injury and prepare your muscles for a workout. Just becuase you’re at home…


10 Things You Can Do During Quarantine To Pass The Time And Better Yourself

10 things you can do during quarantine to pass the time and better yourself         It’s hard to believe that the month isn’t yet over and the craziness that is the Coronavirus has only been on our radars for a few weeks. Many of our government officials around the world are issuing states of emergency and are asking everyone to self-isolate wherever possible. If you’re working from home or just trying to spend as much time inside as possible, there are things you can do…