mma title fight
Eyes set on an MMA title fight, Tom Pagliarulo is ready to fight! Tom is an up and coming MMA fighter from New England, and an AlphaBolix athlete. With 3 fights in his amateur career, he will be challenging Zac Richard for the vacant 145lb title at NEF 38. Tom is prepared for a hard match against Richard, who has shown himself to be a durable competitor. But Tom is prepared and excited to test himself.
We seek to succeed in all aspects of life. Learn, grow, challenge yourself. We want to support those who strive to reach new levels. Tom sets the bar high, and is always looking to challenge himself. We are proud to work with him as he looks to establish his name in MMA.
We created Test Reaper to help athletes, and those striving to reach new levels achieve their goals.
Tom is striving to reach new levels. Hard work, time, and effort are paramount. Proper nutrition and supplementation can ensure that you stay on course and see the results of your efforts! We can’t do the work for you, but with Test Reaper we can help you see the full results of your work.
Get your tickets at for NEF 38 – Stormborn – April 27th, 2019 Portland, Maine.
You can follow Tom on Instagram @TomPags
And don’t forget to check out our Instagram @AlphaBolixOfficial
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